Our cafeteria closed at work just over a month ago, which meant it was time to start brown bagging it. It took some trial and error to find a lunch that was tasty and kept me satisfied for the afternoon, but I finally settled on turkey sandwiches, sounds boring, but they do the job. And while I am making my lunch in the morning, I go ahead and make one for Tom too. Once I got in the routine, taking a lunch to work has gone smoothly (for both of us). But that’s not to say you don’t need a break from the routine every once in awhile. So on Wednesday I went to the At the Plaza Food Festival with Melissa and Vicki. I could resist taking a picture of every bite!
One of the first vendor’s I saw really caught my eye, I thought I had seen it all, but this was new to me, Mozzarepas. It’s like a grilled cheese sandwich but instead of bread it’s cornbread and the cheese inside is mozzarella. As I was trying to make sense of this creation Vicki turned to us and said, “Do you want to start by splitting one of those?” Why yes, I do.

Now, the real motivation for going to the food festival was that Vicki wanted a crepe. For some reason she was convinced there would be crepes, and she was right, Maison Crepes was there. I got on that bandwagon and enjoyed one myself.

Mine is the one without the chocolate, and I know this is going to sound weird to 99.9% of the human population, but I don’t find anything appealing about putting chocolate on a perfectly good crepe. Or much else for that matter.
Melissa stuck with a more traditional vendor offering, the Gyro. Don’t be fooled by the pic, there is plenty more in that pita than just veggies.

Not done yet, there was a fried pickle vendor there, Spacey Tracy, and after reading the AOA post on Where to Find Fried Pickles I had to give them a try. I love fried, I love pickles, I now love fried pickles.

Probably a trip to the gym and a light dinner would be a good way to end the day, but instead the three of us split an order of loaded nachos and disco fries at Bombers later that night. Oopsie.