23 OctPredictions

The 82nd Academy Award nominations will be announced on Tuesday, February 2nd. That doesn’t leave a person (with a full time job and gym membership) enough time to watch nominated movies (in the following categories: Best Movie, Best Actress & Actor, Best Supporting Actress & Actor and Best Director) by March 7th. Especially since there will be 10 Best Picture nominations this year. TEN!

And that is where predictions come into play. Me and my girlfriends, Vicki and Melissa, have created a list from websites* and magazine articles of movies to watch. Some titles are ‘wait and see’ and some we already checked off the list. Tonight, instead of our usual happy hour, we saw The Boys are Back and Bright Star. For the next four months if there is a movie I want to see that’s not on the list…it can wait.

To keep track I made a list to the right that I will maintain between now and Oscar night. Please pass the popcorn and enjoy.

* Majority of the list comes from moviefone.